Lindasson - Flawless

Weekly Music



released his album "Flawless" in December 2023, and although I'm a bit late in discussing it, I believe this 12-track collection deserves recognition. I've been following Lindasson for a while because his unique style and high-quality music consistently stand out among many artists. He's one of my favorite artists coming out of Canada. My first introduction to Lindasson was through another Canadian artist, Night Lovell, on the track "A Lot." Since then, I've kept up with Lindasson's work, and his latest project doesn't disappoint.

It includes several tracks I've enjoyed over the past few years, such as "Accepting My Flaws," "Brain Dead," and "A Lot." This strategic choice to feature successful singles on the album is clever because it uses their popularity to draw more attention to his new work. Nowadays, without a significant marketing budget or the backing of a large record label, releasing an album can often mean that many songs don't reach a wide audience. Recognizing the shift towards single tracks and shorter attention spans in music listeners, Lindasson effectively counters this trend.

By releasing 30-50% of the album as singles, he builds hype that then boosts interest in the rest of the album. Although I can't say for sure if Lindasson planned this from the start, the consistent quality and cohesive sound of these singles have seamlessly integrated into the full album. "Flawless" showcases Lindasson’s fondness for abstract themes and dynamic production, providing an engaging and enjoyable listening experience across the board. My personal favorites from the album are "I Promise That," "Lusty Lover," and "Silly Side." "Silly Side" stands out in particular due to its energetic production and Lindasson's compelling flow, embodying the qualities that made me appreciate his music initially.

For anyone interested in a fresh and distinct approach to hip-hop, Lindasson's "Flawless" offers just that. His latest work not only reflects his artistic growth but also highlights his ability to adapt to and capitalize on the evolving music landscape. His cadence is one of the more memorable from the massive list of talent I have covered and is one of the main factors in him standing out from the crowd. This album, rich with both established hits and new tracks, affirms Lindasson’s position as a noteworthy artist worth following.

Written by Maxim Bayarsky
